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xx crossroads xx  

Once again, I am at a crossroad. After graduation, what's next? I had been applying for jobs the last days and weeks of my life, to no avail. Sometimes, it's so easy to just give up. But I could not just do that. I could not just give up. I could not ust give in to the pressure, to the luring of depression, and to my mistakes in the past. Past is past. And we should not be its prisoners; it will only bring us down and down, until we could no longer move forward. Too much self-pity that I did not gradaute on time or that I should have done my best in terms of my academics. The time is time when I should be concerned of what's now, what's here, of the present. Because it is through this present that my future is being made up.

And although I am not sure what will happen to me in the days to come, I have this assurance. That my God, the Lord of the Universe holds me at the palm of His hand, and that along the way, wherever I will be or whatever will become of me, He will never leave nor forsake me. He is the same God yesterday (who had always saw me through), today (continue molding me into being like His Son), and tomorrow!

What next?

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